Friday, June 8, 2012

Obama: 5 traitorous leaks – and counting

Obama: 5 traitorous leaks – and counting  Fri, 08 Jun 2012 23:36:57 GMT  

“This administration takes all appropriate and necessary steps to prevent leaks of classified information that could risk ongoing counterrorism or intelligence operations. Any suggestions that this administration has authorized intentional leaks of classified information for political gain is grossly irresponsible.”

– Jay Carney, Obama’s White House press secretary, June 7, 2012

If there were ever proof that the utterances of White House press secretaries on behalf of the president are frequently absurd, meaningless, dishonest and fraudulent, this may be the best example in history. President Barack Hussein Obama and his leftist political appointees at the National Security Agency, Central Intelligence Agency, Department of Defense and likely Department of State, as I have been writing in this column for many weeks, have engaged in a campaign of leaking highly classified national security information and secrets to the New York Times and other “friendly” media to try to show that he is a strong leader who has successfully fought terrorism and has taken strong action against the most evil and powerful of all terrorist states, the Islamic Republic of Iran. The mullahs in Tehran have repeatedly threatened to wipe Israel off of the face of the earth, wage a second Holocaust against Jews and now even Christians, and – as the final blow – to destroy the “Great Satan,” meaning the United States! This is all a part of their Muslim revolution they think their god, Allah. has directed them to carry out.

And, notwithstanding Obama’s Muslim roots, sympathies and allegiances, why did he leak this national security information? The answer is simple. The president knows that even his liberal supporters in the Jewish Hollywood community – from which much of his campaign fund war chest flows – view him as weak on Iran and hostile to Israel. Simply put, he needs to prove that he is a strong leader to raise the funds to help him be re-elected to the presidency this year.

To date, there have been five separate major leaks of highly classified national security information. They include: 1) the recent disclosure of the methods, sources, and techniques of the nation’s cyberwarfare capabilities and secret attack on Iranian nuclear facilities; 2) our procedures for attacking Muslim militants and terrorists with drones; 3) the existence of a CIA double agent embedded inside of al-Qaida; 4) the means and techniques with which we spy on Iranian nuclear facilities; and 5) last but hardly least, our war plans and scenarios should the United States be drawn into a unilateral Israeli attack on Iranian nuclear sites.

All of these disclosures not only endanger the lives of our brave military, NSA and CIA personnel and agents, but also provide to our enemies a roadmap of how the nation defends itself against the Iranian nuclear threat in general. The “mullah in chief’s” obvious involvement and orchestration of these leaks – for political purposes – at this time of extreme peril is, in my opinion, the most traitorous act in American history. It underscores why our Founding Fathers and the framers of the Constitution required that only a “natural born citizen” – that is, a person born in the territory of the United States to two American citizen parents – be eligible for the presidency. Obama is not a natural born citizen, his father having been not only a Kenyan, but also a socialist Muslim hostile to America (his foreign father had to be deported from the United States). There is also considerable evidence that Obama was not born in Hawaii as he has claimed, but in Kenya. Thus, Obama’s actions since being elected president underscore the fear that our Founding Fathers and framers had. Simply put, in a knee-jerk reaction to the economic panic caused by the stock market, real estate and banking collapses in 2008, the American people were carelessly duped into electing someone as president whose first and perhaps only allegiance is to Muslims, terrorist groups and nations bent on destroying us. Obama’s late Kenyan father, who is the subject of the president’s memoirs, would have been proud!

In last week’s column, “More Obama treason!” I excoriated the Washington establishment likes of Republican Sens. John McCain and Lindsey Graham for not taking real action against Obama’s treasonous acts. After all, they are in the so-called opposition party and have the mantle, in theory, to take on the president to stop these breaches of national security. But to that date, they and others in the Grand Old Party have been largely silent. So, with this week’s claims by McCain that the national security leaks are likely the work of Obama for political purposes, I suspect that many of my readers emailed the senator and expressed their outrage at his lack of action.

However, despite McCain’s statements, followed up in large part by Lindsey Graham and a few other Republican establishment dinosaurs in Congress, no real action is likely to result from their quarter. In this regard, the past is indeed a prologue.

The first concrete action of these establishment creatures was to call for a special prosecutor to investigate the leaks. However, predictably, this was shot down by Obama’s corrupt and compliant attorney general, Eric Holder, who stated that he would keep any Justice Department investigation “in house,” meaning he would, as was true with the Chinagate scandal during the Clinton years, cover it up. So with this predictable rebuff, the Republicans called for, you guessed it, congressional investigations. Of course, if the Chinagate scandal of the Clinton years is any indication – and it is – any such congressional hearings will just be for show, and not for dough. They will be a dog-and-pony show merely intended to boost Republican prospects in the fall elections. Indeed, the Chinagate investigation in the late 1990s, which McCain and company participated in, were shut down when Democrats uncovered Republican campaign-finance violations. It became “mutually assured” destruction, so both political parties took an exit stage left.

It thus falls upon us, “We the People,” to use the citizen’s grand jury process and other strong legal means to stop the leaks that have irreparably harmed the nation, mete out justice and hold the White House usurper accountable under the rule of law!

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